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2024 Trainings

  • Food Safety Plan with UConn Extension** December 12th, (for Farmers) 12:00 – 1:30 [Virtual] Develop your food safety plan and write a Standard Operating procedure (SOP) Sign up HERE
  • Farm to School in the Classroom** December 19th, 4:30 - 5:30 pm [Virtual], with Abby DuBois and Emma Rotner Resources to teach farm to school through nutrition, science, etc and meeting curriculum standards. Sign up HERE

Other Trainings coming in 2025!

  • Culinary Training and Knife Skills Plus** February 13, 3:00 – 5:30, East Hartford with Chef Kashia Diaz Learn knife skills and culinary tools for scratch cooking to take back to your staff.
  • Programming in the Garden** March, TBD: with Educators @ Cheshire Greenhouse Tour a school greenhouse to classroom process in action
  • Culturally Appropriate Culinary Training** April 3rd, @ Middletown Public Schools 3:00 – 5:30, with Ryan Kennedy, Brigade Use seasonal ingredients to adapt recipes that reflect different culinary traditions.
  • Best practices for Farm to ECE** (for Early Care Providers) April 26th, 10am-12pm with guest trainer from All Our Kin Seed to plate demonstration, Take home seedlings for your garden. (Bilingual)
  • Building a Farm to School Program for the Future** May TBD, 3:30 - 4:30 pm, [Virtual] with Sherlene Rodriguez Learn how to build a Farm to School Team, pursue funding, and increase the longevity of your program.


*Funding for this project was paid for by the CT Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Funds and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM22SCBPCT1132. **Funding for this project was paid for by the CT Grown for CT Kids Grant program. All funding is awarded and administered by the CT Department of Agriculture.