Click on the name of the below recipes to download complete recipe, and meal crediting information.
The below recipes were contributed by Connecticut Food Service Directors.*
*Recipe and Meal Contribution Review completed by Put Local on Your Tray. SFAs must check the crediting information for accuracy prior to including the item in reimbursable meals.
Green Bean, Cranberry, Sunflower Seed Salad
Another Food Service recipe from other organizations looking to increase local procurement in schools:
Green Bean, Cranberry and Sunflower Seed Salad - VT FEED
Hearty Beef Vegetable Stew - VT FEED
Sesame Roasted Green Beans - VT FEED
Vegetables with Sesame Dip - VT FEED
If you have a recipe using this product that was successful in schools and would like to share please send it to us!
In the Past: Beans originated in Central and South America 7,000 years ago, and spread throughout North America via their Indian cultivators. While first grown only for the seeds inside the bean pod, both seeds and pods came to be eaten green as a vegetable in Italy during the 17th Century
In the Soil: Green beans grow on a vine or bush, and are sometimes called French beans, haricots verts, string beans or snap beans. There are 130 varieties worldwide, and despite their name, green beans can be found in colors ranging from purple to red.
In the Kitchen: Like most vegetables, green beans are most delicious when just picked. You can tell if they are fresh by bending a bean in half and hearing a clean ‘snap’ as it breaks. Green beans are great as a raw snack (wash well!), steamed or sautéed, or added to casseroles.
In the Body: Beans are legumes, which are full of protein, fiber, and high in folic acid, potassium, iron and magnesium. Eat them with grains like rice to give your body a more complete protein mix, and with vitamin C to increase the absorption of iron.
In Connecticut: Fresh green beans are generally available from July through mid-October.
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