CT Farm to School Directory

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Field Trip:
Farm Name Town Products
Autumn Harvest Orchard, LLC Norfolk Apples and/or Pears, Berries
Azuluna Farm Woodstock Meat
Bats of Bedlam Maple Farm Chaplin Maple Syrup
Beckett Farms, LLC Glastonbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, String Beans, Berries
Blueberry Hill Organic Farm LLC Danielson Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Potatoes
Bordua Farms LLC South Windsor Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Sweet Corn
BOTL Farm Ashford Meat
Botticello Farms Manchester Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Sweet Corn
Buell’s Orchard Eastford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Apples and/or Pears
Cecarelli Farm Northford Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Potatoes, Sweet Corn
CLiCK Inc. Windham Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, String Beans, Berries, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Dairy, Maple Syrup, Other: Added value and lightly processed products. We aggregate product from multiple farms based on buyers needs.
Clover Nook Farm Bethany Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Sweet Corn, Meat
Cloverleigh Farm Columbia Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Root Vegetables
Cobblestone Farm Mansfield Center Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Cold Spring Farm Colchester Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Sweet Corn, Meat
Connell Farm LLC Lebanon Meat, Other: Ground Beef
Crookes Orchard (formerly Horse Listeners) Ashford Apples and/or Pears
Daffodil Hill Growers Southbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Other: melons
Desantis Farm Watertown Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Meat
Earths’s Palate Farm Warren Lettuce, Root Vegetables
Easy Pickin’s Orchard Enfield Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, Carrots
Evans Farm Lebanon Meat
Fairgate Farm Stamford Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Beets, Root Vegetables
Farmer Joe’s Gardens Llc Wallingford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Beets, Potatoes, Sweet Corn, Maple Syrup, Other: I carry other farm's dairy, and meat and all is usda so could be 1 stop shop for ct grown food.
Fernandes Farmstead Manchester Meat, Other: Honey
Forest Mill Farm Coventry Maple Syrup, Other: FMNP Maple Syrup and Honey
Full Heart Farm Ledyard Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes
Gardeners To Farmers Greenhouse Hartford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Potatoes, Other: Okra, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic,
Ghost Fawn Homestead Willington Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets
Goshen Hill Maples Lebanon Maple Syrup
H2o Farms Guilford Lettuce
Handel Family Farm East Hartford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Sweet Corn
Hartford Plant Company Hartford Other: Microgreens (pea, broccoli, sunflower, radish, beet, kale, micro basil, micro parsley, micro cilantro, and more)
Hayward Farm New Hartford Apples and/or Pears, Other: peaches
Hemp Milk & Honey Bridgeport Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Beets, Root Vegetables, Other: Oyster Mushrooms
Hidden Gem Orchard WOODBURY Apples and/or Pears
Hills Farm LLC Hebron Meat
Hilltop Apiaries Simsbury Honey
Himmelstein Homestead Farm Lebanon Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash
Holcomb Farm Granby Winter Squash, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Root Vegetables
Horse Listener’s Farm Ashford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce
Howling Flats Farm Canaan Meat
Hungry Reaper Farm Morris Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Root Vegetables
Hunts Brook Farm Quaker Hill Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Root Vegetables
Iron Hill LLC Bethel Ct Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Jasian Greens & More LLC Hartford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Sweet Corn
Johnny Appleseed’s Farm Ellington Apples and/or Pears, Berries, Other: Apples, Peaches and Blueberries
KARABIN FARMS Southington Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Apples and/or Pears, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Potatoes, Maple Syrup
KDCROP FARMS CHAPLIN Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Other: Salsa, relish, pickles,
Keney Park Sustainability Project Windsor Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Lakeview Farms Preston Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, String Beans, Berries, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Sweet Corn
Lathrop Farmstead Lebanon Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Berries, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Other: Tomatoes, Maple Syrup and Honey
Laurel Glen Farm Shelton Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Root Vegetables
Levo International, Inc. Bloomfield Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Other: tomatoes, peppers
Lewis Educational Agricultural Farm Southington Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Beets, Potatoes
Litchfield Farm Direct Greenwich Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Carrots, Maple Syrup, Honey
Long Table Farm Lyme Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Root Vegetables
Maple Bank Farm Roxbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Apples and/or Pears, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Carrots, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Marble Valley Farm Kent Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes
Massaro Community Farm Woodbridge Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Root Vegetables
Meechoook Farm – Owned and Operated by Mashantucket Pequot Tribal North Stonington, CT Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Other: tomatoes, maple syrup
Micro2life Simsbury Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Other: Tomatoes, Peppers, and Herbs
Mon Soleil Farm Union String Beans, Lettuce
Mountain Dairy Storrs Dairy
Muddy Roots Farm Wallingford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Carrots, Beets
Newgate Farms Windsor Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Potatoes, Sweet Corn
Northern Farm and Flowers LLC Goshen Meat, Other: duck, thanksgiving turkey, beef and pork
Northwest Corner Farm Winsted Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes
nOURish Bridgeport Inc. Stratford Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce
NW CT Regional Food Hub Torrington Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Apples and/or Pears, String Beans, Berries, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Sweet Corn, Dairy, Meat
Off Center Farm Woodbridge Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets
Offinger Farm Wilton Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens)
Oxen Hill Farm East Granby Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Root Vegetables, Other: Sweet Potatoes; we have availability in large quantities generally Sept-March
Park City Harvest Bridgeport String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Other: Microgreens
Pebble Brook Maple Farm Hampton Maple Syrup
Pell Farm Somers Berries, Other: STRAWBERRIES!
Perkins Pure Sugar House Bristol Maple Syrup
Pleasant View Farms INC Somers Meat
Provider Farm Salem Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Radical Roots Farm Llp Canterbury Meat
Red Barn Creamery Storrs Sweet Corn, Dairy
Red Gold Gold Green LLC Hartford Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots
RFarm Burlington Honey
River Ridge Farm Portland Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Root Vegetables
River’s Harvest Farm LLC Middletown Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Riverbank Farm LLC Roxbury Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Rogers Orchards, Inc. Southington Apples and/or Pears, Other: Peaches
Root Life LLC New Haven Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Root Vegetables, Other: microgreens, peppers, tomatoes, hot peppers, collards, culinary herbs
Russo’s Roots LLC Canterbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Carrots
Samad Gardens Initiative LLC Simsbury Winter Squash, Lettuce, Carrots
Sankow’s Beaver Brook Farm LLC Old Lyme Dairy, Meat
Sepe Farm LLC Sandy Hook Meat
Shaggy Coo’s Farm Easton Dairy
Simpaug Farms Suffield Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Berries, Lettuce, Root Vegetables, Sweet Corn, Meat
Slowpoke Farm bloomfield String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Beets
Staehly Farms East Haddam Berries
Steadfast Farm Bethlehem Meat
Still River Farm Coventry Other: Wheat, corn (for cornmeal)
Stone Acres Farm Stonington Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Carrots
Stonington Kelp Co Pawcatuck Other: Sugar Kelp
Sub-Edge Farm Avon and Farmington Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Root Vegetables
Sun One Organic Farm Bethlehem Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Potatoes
Sunset Farm CT LLC Naugatuck Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables
Sweet Acre Farm Lebanon Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots
Sweet Ring Farm LLC Sandy Hook Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Berries, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Sweet Corn
Terra Firma Farm North Stonington Dairy
The Farm Woodbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Sweet Corn
The Strawberry Farm SOUTH WINDSOR Berries
Thy Neighbors Farm Torrington Summer Squash / Zucchini, Winter Squash, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Root Vegetables, Meat
True North Farm LLC Glastonbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Cucumbers, String Beans, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Lettuce, Potatoes, Root Vegetables, Meat
Upper Grassy Greens Woodbury Kale (and other dark leafy greens)
Urban Fresh Gardens Waterbury Summer Squash / Zucchini, Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Other: Culturally reflective foods like callaloo, collards, malarbar spinach.
Wild Carrot Farm Torrington Winter Squash, Carrots
Wilkinson Farm Columbia Maple Syrup
Willow Valley Farm Willington Kale (and other dark leafy greens), Carrots, Beets, Potatoes