We are thrilled to offer a special ECE Menu to celebrate CT Grown for CT Kids Week. This week of activities is an effort led by the State Departments of Education and Agriculture and the Connecticut Farm to School Collaborative in partnership with Put Local on Your Tray, and the Department of Public Health.
All you need to do to participate is check out the menu of Farm to School activities below and engage your young learners in a fun and delicious Farm to School activity!
Check out 2022 resources below. New 2023 updates coming this Summer:
Order materials from the button to the right that includes a free Bilingual Board Book about Fall, stickers, posters and crayons to help celebrate your farm to school activity!
Check out the Special Farm to ECE edition of Healthy for Life Ebulletin, featuring CT Grown for CT Kids Week with more activities, information and resources.
Applesauce recipes! Find FoodCorps, All in for Applesauce, (En Español) or SNAP's Applesauce for 10 (in English or En Español) recipes
Want to find apples at pick your own farms? Follow this link to find all the apples you need! https://www.ctapples.org/
Reach Out and Connect with Social Media through our Social Media Toolkit!
Interested in learning more about what CT Grown for CT Kids Week is?
The CT Farm to School's website has everything you need to take part in CT Grown For CT Kids Week.
This program is accessible through Go NAPSACC. Go NAPSACC is a trusted online tool that helps early care and education (ECE) programs go the extra mile to support children’s healthy eating and physical activity. Farm to ECE is the newest module of Go NAPSACC and is available to you now!
This project has been funded at least in part with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Made possible in part with funding from the Centers for Disease and Prevention.
Click HERE to learn more about how to enroll in Go NAPSACC..pdf
For more information and updates to this program please check back here or reach out to jennifer.vinci@ct.gov.