CT Farm Directory for Schools Step 1 of 3 33% UCONN Extension's farm to school initiative, Put Local On Your Tray, works to source, serve and celebrate local food in our schools. This program is jointly supported by UConn Extension and CT State Dept. of Education. IF YOU ARE EXCITED ABOUT WORKING WITH SCHOOLS, Complete this brief form to be listed in the CT Farm to School Directory! With up-to-date farm information buyers will be able to contact you directly, or request your products through their distributor. Check out the directory. This searchable directory is on our website. You will also be added to the Farm to School Marketplace Listserv in order to offer products available directly to School Food Agencies. We would be happy to provide assistance in reaching out to participating Put Local On Your Tray schools near you. Please contact: Shannon Raider-Ginsburg (shannon.raider@uconn.edu).I am* updating an existing listing creating a NEW listing Business Name* Contact Name, Position*Street Address*Address Line 2City/Town*ZIP Code*Email* Phone Number*Preferred Contact?* Email Phone Either Website (preferred) or Facebook page name*Do you participate in an online ordering platform?* Yes No What online ordering platform do you use/participate in and a very brief description.*Please provide ordering link address* Farmer Identity - Check all that apply that reflect the primary owner(s)/operator(s) of the business. Recording this information supports values based purchasing decisions, data collection and grant reporting metrics that support all CT Farmers.* Black owned and/or operated farm Latinx owned and/or operated farm Indigenous owned and/or operated farm AAPI owned and/or operated farm Multiracial owned and/or operated farm LQTBQ+ owned and/or operated farm Veteran Owned and/or operated farm Immigrant and/or 1st generation owned and/or operated farm Women owned and/or operated farm Farming with Disability* White owned and/or operated farm I choose not to identify. *When we use the term disability, though not a complete list, we are inclusive of the following: persons with limited mobility, high-risk pregnant persons, the aging, those who are visually or hearing impaired, persons requiring special medical equipment, those who have sensory needs and/or are on the autism spectrum, traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).General Delivery Range* 0-10 miles < 25 miles < 50 miles Farm Pick Up Only Dependent on order size Please share the Public School District(s), an individual school and/or any early care providers (daycares and preschools) in your delivery range. If you do not know, write "I don't know." If you share an individual school, we will match it to the district if you do not know.*What food safety certifications and other permits or licenses does your farm hold? (food safety certifications are not required for school procurement. Demonstrated knowledge of food safety best practices is important.* GAP/ GHP Connecticut GAPS Registered Fruit & Vegetable Grower with the CT Dept of Agriculture FSMA Compliant FSMA Exempt Certified Organic USDA slaughterhouse/processed/cut and packaged meats Certification for animal welfare standards (note specific certification in the "other" field) Certified Commercial Kitchen (as a food manufacturer) Dairy Processing (yogurt, cheese), not liquid milk Cider/juice license I would like assistance with food safety planning. My farm has none of the above. OTHER If "OTHER" please list here.I am a Food hub, Aggregator or Distributor* Yes No Describe your geographic service area*In a few sentences, describe what you offer*Please provide a list of CT growers you work with or a description of the types of growers you work with.* Products Available Only check the boxes for items you WANT TO and ARE ABLE TO sell to schools. We understand you may grow a number of these products, but that it would not be appropriate for you to sell it to a school due to quantities and pricing. We understand you may produce other items to sell to schools. Our goal is for Food Service Directors to start with the items they most commonly serve AND are CT grown. The Farm to School relationship can expand from there.Products for Farm 2 School - No Eggs Please* Summer Squash / Zucchini Cucumbers Apples and/or Pears Kale (and other dark leafy greens) Lettuce String Beans Winter Squash Berries Carrots Beets Potatoes Root Vegetables Sweet Corn Dairy Hydroponic Lettuce Other Indoor/Soiless Meat Maple Syrup Honey Other If "OTHER" please list Primary Product (eg. maple, grains...) NO EGGS.Please select the description that best represents your farm. You can base this on the primary product you want to market to schools.* Orchard and/or Small Fruit Meat and/or Dairy Row Crops/Vegetables Food Hubs/Distributors Maple Producer Honey Producer Acres under production (please select all that apply)* 1/2 - 5 acres 6 - 15 15 - 30 31 - 49 > 50 acres hydroponic greenhouse (season extension) Not Applicable What best describes my farm business. My farm business is ... (use 'other' to share more)* Emerging - more than 2, less than 5 years of production, looking to increase production Scaling Up - more than 3 year of commercial production with current goal to expand production Established - 5 years or more of commercial production, maximizing production My business has less than 2 years commercial growing I understand this information will be published and shared with participating School Districts and Food Service Directors.* Yes No Our farm can accommodate field trips.* Yes No What else would you like to share about your farm/business? eg. other certifications, growing methods, your farm values/philosophy etc...CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.