What is CT Grown for CT Kids Week?
CT Grown for CT Kids Week is an annual, legislated week to celebrate locally grown products in the schools and our community.
Put Local on Your Tray alongside the CT State Department of Education and CT State Department of Agriculture host events all week long.
Examples of events include:
CT Legislator visiting schools, taste test events in school cafeterias, and activities for classroom teachers focused on local apples.
Check out our Virtual Celebration Toolkit for schools.

Fall Crunch Time
The Fall Crunch Time coincides with CT Grown for CT Kids Week by promoting locally grown apples and encouraging kids and families to bite into delicious CT apples.
We are providing fun, apple-themed activities families can do at home and the resources families will need to get out and visit their local Apple Orchard.
Head on over to the Fall Crunch Time page to find out more