The FarmtoSchoolMarketplace Listserv is for Farmers and School Food Professionals to connect directly. The purpose of this list is to facilitate the sale of agricultural products that become available as the season dictates.
We envision this list as a place to post items wanted and offered and less as a venue for discussion. This list is for CT GROWN products. Tray districts 2018-19 will be automatically enrolled in the Listserv unless otherwise noted.
To Enroll in the Listserv, visit this site:
To contact the list owner to be added to the list or make an inquiry:
Examples of Farmers Offering: Bumper crops, crops with limited storability and in excess, specialty and unusual products.
Examples of Food Service Directors Seeking: micro purchases, local products for special events, tastings, educational programs, fun and unusual products for celebrations etc.
List posts must follow this format:
- Farm or School Name
- Location
- Best Contact information and Name
- Product Offered or Sought
- General time period available
This is the most critical information that will initiate further inquiry. PLEASE DO NOT respond to the whole list. Respond to the individual author of the post.
To send an email to the list:
To enroll in the listserv, hit the image below, and then press subscribe in the lower right hand corner:

Then follow the prompt, and choose whether you would like it in digest form or regular format.